What Causes Back or Neck Pain?

 03/04/2022| View:652
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What Causes Back or Neck Pain?

When you suffer a spinal injury, the consequences can range from mild pain and discomfort to debilitating pain and restricted movement. If you experience any level of discomfort in your spine, it's important to see a spine doctor to determine the cause and treat it effectively.

Conditions like strains of the lower back muscles, herniated discs, or sciatica, which is the compression or irritation of your spine's nerve roots, are all common culprits behind spine pain or limited motion. However, other serious, degenerative conditions, such as osteoporosis or spondylosis, could be affecting you as well.

Learn more about the anatomy of your spine to better understand where you might be suffering a potential spine condition. This will help you discuss your condition with your spine doctor.

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