What are the types of disposable polypectomy snare

 29/12/2022| View:581
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What are the types of disposable polypectomy snare

The disposable polypectomy snare can be used together with the endoscope. Its main function is to use high-frequency current to remove polyps or other redundant tissues in the digestive tract. With the development of technology, there are more and more types of disposable polypectomy snare. What are the types of disposable polypectomy snare? Now let the manufacturer of disposable polypectomy snare give you a detailed introduction!

Disposable polypectomy snare mainly include the following types:

1.Oval disposable polypectomy snare: Oval disposable polypectomy snare is made of imported special high-strength medical stainless steel wire, with fast electric cutting and good electrocoagulation effect, ensuring smooth and safe operation. Moreover, the handle and the snare of this type of disposable polypectomy snare can rotate synchronously, which improves the surgical efficiency and saves time and effectiveness.

Disposable polypectomy snare

2.Hexagonal disposable polypectomy snare: Hexagonal disposable polypectomy snare can be compatible with all mainstream high-frequency electrical devices on the market. This type of disposable polypectomy snare can provide customized services, and the opening of the trap device is 1cm to 5cm, meeting various clinical needs of doctors.

3.Semi circular disposable polypectomy snare: The semi circular disposable polypectomy snare has a handle designed according to ergonomics, which makes it easier for the operator to use, thus improving the surgical efficiency and enhancing the surgical safety.

The above is an introduction to the types of disposable polypectomy snare. Changmei Medtech is a disposable polypectomy snare supplier from china. We have many years of experience in producing and selling disposable polypectomy snare. At present, we can provide different types of disposable polypectomy snare, and the product price is relatively low compared with that of peers. If necessary, welcome to consult!

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